International Trade Banquet
Posted by Sabah Nazir on

As part of my role as an ambassador for the governments 'Exporting is Great' initiative, last week I had the honour of attending the International Trade Banquet at Mansion House hosted by the Lord Mayor of London Alderman Charles and Lady Mayoress Samantha Bowman. The Secretary of State for International Trade Dr Liam Fox gave a very inspiring speech on key exporting strategies that UK businesses need to undertake. " Prosperity underpins social cohesion. That social cohesion underpins political stability and that political stability is the building block of our collective security " he said. The global opportunities that become available through free and open trade were also highlighted in his speech.
Overall a great night and a chance to network with some amazing business and like minded individuals.
#exportingisgreat #departmentforinternationaltrade #exporting