News — DIT
International Trade Banquet
Posted by Sabah Nazir on

Originally posted at 12:00pm on Wednesday 24th Oct 2018 As part of my role as an ambassador for the governments 'Exporting is Great' initiative, last week I had the honour of attending the International Trade Banquet at Mansion House hosted by the Lord Mayor of London Alderman Charles and Lady Mayoress Samantha Bowman. The Secretary of State for International Trade Dr Liam Fox gave a very inspiring speech on key exporting strategies that UK businesses need to undertake. " Prosperity underpins social cohesion. That social cohesion underpins political stability and that political stability is the building block of our collective security "...
Exporting Is Great with DIT
Posted by Sabah Nazir on

Originally posted at 12:00pm on Monday 10th Sep 2018 I am excited to announce that we have been working behind closed doors with the Department for International Trade on a government campaign promoting British exports. In January of this year we were absolutely delighted to be one of thirty UK businesses to represent the governments exporting initiative 'Exporting is Great'. It's been an amazing experience, one that I am so proud to be part of. From having a 10 member camera crew coming to our offices and filming us for the day, to being invited to a round table discussion with Dr Liam Fox MP...
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- Tags: DIT, Exporting is Great